
Hospitality Passport: How Herbarium Institute Stamps You for Success

Hospitality Passport: How Herbarium Institute Stamps You for Success Picture yourself crafting unforgettable experiences, one guest interaction at a time.  The hospitality industry beckons with its dynamic energy and global reach.  Ready to embark on your journey?  Herbarium Institute of International Hotel Studies can be your passport to a thriving career in this exciting field. …

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Hospitality Hack: How Herbarium Institute Can Ignite Your Hotel Career

Hospitality Hack: How Herbarium Institute Can Ignite Your Hotel Career Ever dreamt of turning your passion for service into a jet-setting career?  The hospitality industry beckons, offering a world of exciting opportunities and dynamic challenges.  But where do you begin?  Look no further than Herbarium Institute of International Hotel Studies, your gateway to unlocking a …

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Unlock Your Dream Hospitality Career at Herbarium Institute:

Unlock Your Dream Hospitality Career at Herbarium Institute: Do you crave adventure, but with a side of impeccable service? Do you dream of creating unforgettable experiences for others? Is your passion fueled by fast-paced environments and global connections? If you answered “YES!” to any of these questions, then a career in hospitality might be your …

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6 Months Integrated Certificate

6 MONTHS INTEGRATED CERTIFICATE PROGRAMME IN HOTEL MANAGEMENT STUDIES (2 TRIMESTERS ) Allotted Classes: Practical Sessions (80%), Theory Classes (20%) Courses Requirement Age: Student must be above 16 years of age Qualification:No Minimum Qualification No Visible Tattoo Marks on the body This highly in-demand and job-oriented professional course prepares you for the latest hotel management …

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2 Years MBA in Hotel Managment

2 Years MBA in Hotel Managment(4 semester) Allotted Classes: Practical Sessions (80%), Theory Classes (20%)  Courses Requirement Age: Student must be above 21 years of age Qualification: Minimum Qualification is Graduation No Visible Tattoo Marks on the body Semester 1 Specialization will start from the very first semester. You will betrained about the basicsand advanced …

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1-Year Diploma Course

1-YEAR DIPLOMA IN HOTEL MANAGEMENT STUDIES (4 TRIMESTERS) Allotted Classes: Practical Sessions (80%), Theory Classes (20%) Course Requirement: Age: Student must be above 21 years of age Qualification: Minimum Qualification is XII Pass No Visible Tattoo Marks on the body This highly in-demand and job-oriented professional course prepares you for the latest hotel management practices …

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